I have created a page that displays growing season markers for Washington from 2013 to present. On the page, I list dates, varieties, and location for:

Bud break

I also show the average date for each of these markers, the median date, and the range from 2013 to present. I give an example of what this looks like below.

On the table, I am listing the first date that the marker was reported for any variety. This stands in contrast to listing 25%, 50%, etc. for a single variety at a single location. The overall intent is to give a general sense of how each growing season relates to other vintages. It is not to give a specific sense of this relationship.

This information is based on personal correspondence as well as social media posts. I want to thank Sagemoor Vineyards specifically for their help over the years collecting data.

Click here to see the full table. Please note that this information is restricted to subscribers. Click here to subscribe. Going forward, growing season marker summary information can be found under the main menu: Resources->Vintage Information-> WA Season Markers.

Image by Richard Duval. 

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